Celebration and Change.

Change is in the Air

We are celebrating that our Scholars are full of Hope and our long-prayed-for Transition of Leadership to the Badjao is happening!

Welcome Back to School, Badjao Bridge Scholars!

The kids are full of excitement. They love their new books and supplies. And this year they are especially excited with genuine hope for the future.

In the past few years, the kids have seen many Badjao scholars work hard, graduate, and attend college. The kids are excited about their own potential to reach their dream careers - because they see so many Badjao scholars living this dream!

And so, we celebrate our beautiful scholars who are eager to learn, to build relationships, and to actively pursue the dreams that God has prepared in each of their hearts. Thank you for making these dreams possible!

Each year, hundreds of Badjao Bridge scholars from Kinder to High School recieve fresh uniforms, school and hygiene supplies, books, backpacks, and access to education. Badjao Bridge also provides mentoring, tutoring, and healthy meals throughout the year. We love our kids! Join us in supporting these children as they work hard to rise above abject poverty by building a future for themselves and for their community.

Transition of leadership

What’s Happening?

Jean Migraso was selected by our Philippines Board of Directors to be the new Philippines interim Executive Director! By the end of 2024, Dan Johanson will fully transition his leadership role to Jean Migraso and The Philippines Board. The Badjao will lead Badjao Bridge!

Why Transition?

In 2009, Dan founded Badjao Bridge with the mission to work with the Badjao to build their ability to thrive in the face of systemic oppression. From the beginning, we have partnered with the Badjao to strengthen their infrastructure and increase access to education. Dan’s dream has always been that the Badjao would one day become self-sustaining.

What Will Change?

Not much. Badjao Bridge will continue to use our donations and newly sourced donations to further support and strengthen Badjao children and communities.

  • The Philippines Board and Leadership Team will remain the same.

  • The education and experiences for the children will remain the same.

  • The Philippines Team will now be better positioned to recruit local donors since the locals won’t associate them with U.S. leadership.

  • All donations will be stewarded with accountability and transparency through the New Horizon Foundation. More details to come.

  • We will continue to give, knowing that our donations will support Badjao children’s education, growth, and nutrition.

So, Badjao Bridgers, let’s take a moment to breathe in all that God has done and will do. With our continued support and the Badjao’s new freedom to fundraise, the Badjao will have access to more care and help than ever before. Praise God!

Please continue to give to this worthy mission. The new story you helped build is now taking flight. Badjao Bridge was established with integrity and love and will continue with integrity and love.

Dan, Jean and Bobot celebrate with Badjao College Students

Spiritual Nourishment

What is our Youth Fellowship like?

Thanks to the youth Sunday school, I have come to know God more deeply, gaining wisdom and knowledge. This has enabled me to overcome life’s challenges and conquer my fears. No matter how difficult life may get, I trust that God will always be there for us.
— Sunshine

From the Youth Leaders

“Our kind of Youth Fellowship is all about growing one's relationship with the Lord, building each other up, knowing each other better, and carry one's burden through prayer.”

“Enjoy my youth by serving God.”

“Trust in the Lord and not on myself.”

“God gives me wisdom & strength to do His will.”

What We Do

  • Testimony

  • Praise & worship

  • Listening to the Word

  • Watching Video on spiritual topic

  • Deepening, memorizing verse

  • Praying to one another

  • Bible games

  • Simple dinner on plate

Youth Leaders Speak from the Heart

"Through the Youth Sunday Fellowship, I have gained a deep understanding of the importance and practical applications of God's scriptures, leading to significant spiritual growth. My fear of speaking in front of others has vanished, and I now feel more confident sharing my appreciation for God and the wonders He has worked in my life. Additionally, I have learned the importance of truly trusting in God, as with Him, all things are possible. This fellowship has also allowed me to engage with fellow youths who share the same learning experiences, helping us build closer relationships centered on God and His teachings."
- Loisa

“Due to my participation in the Youth Sunday Fellowship, my faith in Christianity has grown significantly. Initially, I was a shy individual who feared speaking in front of others, especially when it came to giving testimonies or sharing words of appreciation toward God. However, over time, I have overcome that fear and have learned to speak with confidence, knowing that God is with me. The fellowship has helped me know God more deeply and understand His goodness to us and others. I have realized that we can't do anything on our own; with His guidance and the support of people willing to help through God's strength, nothing is impossible. All of this is because of Him.”
- Ashley

"Participating in the youth fellowship every Sunday has significantly improved my leadership skills, especially in guiding the youth through games and active participation. Initially, I was shy and unsure how to open up, but the strong bonds formed within the group have helped me become more engaged and boosted my confidence. Additionally, my knowledge and understanding of the Word of God have deepened, strengthening my faith and trust in Him. The lessons learned during fellowship have also taught me the importance of cooperation in all aspects of life, with God's help."
- Apple


From the Staff leaders

“We start our youth fellowship with an opening song to create a warm and welcome environment ready to feel the presence of God through it. After then, there is a sharing period during which youths from each year level give thanks to God, recognize the benefits in their lives, and show appreciation for the people and things for which they are thankful.

Following this period of appreciation comes a praise and worship session in which the group sings and prays as a unit, raising everyone's spirits and engaging their souls via the music. After that, Ma'am Alith gives a sermon in which she gives the young people spiritual advice and perceptive commentary.

Following the sermon, we have a prayer request session in which we stand in a circle and pray for different needs and issues. This entails offering prayers for the Badjao Bridge, a community project, as well as for our parents, our studies, and any other particular needs. Engaging games that promote camaraderie, closer relationships and spiritual growth among the youth provides fun and enjoyment but also reinforces the bonds withinin theirselves and their growth to God.”

- Principal Ma’am Alith on Youth Fellowship

What are they learning?
The students recently learned about the Bible characters, their story struggle, challenges and how they survive the difficult situation like that of Job, Jonah and Samson.

They learned new memory verse, they learned to depend on God for their needs, they learned that prayer works, they learned the problems of other youth and pray together. They learned new things about God.
— Principal Ma’am Alith

Special Announcement

Special Announcement

The Philippines Board of Directors has selected Jean Migraso to be the new Philippines in-country interim Executive Director! The Philippines Badjao Bridge Team has been steadily growing in capacity and will thrive with Jean at the helm. In the coming months, Dan Johanson will be transitioning his leadership role to Jean.

Jean has been faithfully involved with our efforts for many years. Along with her husband Bobot, they have built strong relationships with local leaders and students. Most importantly, Jean has a big heart for people and the ability to come alongside and encourage our staff. I’m thrilled that she has accepted this opportunity!
— Founder and Executive Director (U.S) Dan Johanson

Ate Jean and Bobot are celebrated by The Philippines Teaching Team

Dan Johanson and The Philippines Board welcome Ate Jean to her new leadership role

Children's Voices

Children's Voices

We have a special gift for you. Some of the children that you have helped these many years are sharing their hopes and dreams with you in their own words. Enjoy the children’s messages to you!

From Angela to Her Sponsor

Dear Ms Sponsor,

My name Angela and I have been in the child sponsorship program. I want to say thank you for helping me while I went to school. My parents could not afford to support me and it was a dream to attend school. I am proud to finish 11th grade before I stopped. Nobody in my family ever reached so far in school. I am now married and have a baby. I am able to teach her to read and she makes us very happy. Right now I am a housewife but maybe will try to start a business someday.

I thank God for your life and your support for me. God Bless you and your family.

Your friend,

Children’s Voices

These Badjao children, and hundreds more, have had the opportunity to become fully who they are because of your support. Here are some of the dreams you help come true.

Naygel- “I play with toys and spend time with my parents. I like to become a teacher someday.”

April Joy - “l like to write while playing with my brother. And do coloring. I want to be a policewoman.”

Maria- "I am thankful for my tutors who are always willing and patient in teaching and encouraging slow readers like me."

Bradley- “I like to play. One day I want to be a seaman.”

Kevin- “After school I practice writing my name. I like to be a seaman.”

Angel- Angel is the eldest in her family. She is proud that she can read and wants to help her family.

Juverlyn- “I help my mother. My dream is to become a chef and teacher.”

Elena - “I would like to be a nurse someday. I like cooking, doing homework and attending to tutorial class.”

Rex - “I like playing! I want to be a teacher.”


Selma was our first ever student to graduate High School with honors! Her mother, who used to travel 5 hours away to sell pearls is so proud of her. Selma is now in college, majoring in human resources business administration. She wants to make a difference for her mother and community. She already has!

Claire Kim

Claire Kim had a secret wish that she could go to school. She wanted to help her family have a better life. When her wish finally came true, she fell in love with school and remains a top student in her class.

“Without my sponsors, I do not know if I could ever study at all. For this opportunity, I will give my best. I am so grateful to them that I dream to meet them one day to thank them personally.”

For all you do to love well, we thank you.

Gratefully yours,
Dan Johanson, Executive Director

Jackie's Dream

Jackie's Dream

Your support has opened the door for Badjao children to attend college, to graduate, and to become career professionals.

Jackie is a hard-working student with straight A’s and a big heart for her community. She is inspired to pursue her dreams because her brother, John Ernest, worked hard and is reaching his goals. John Ernest is becoming an Engineer, made possible by donor support.

With her brother’s success as inspiration, Jackie is training as a medical technician and is working towards becoming a Medical Technologist. Someday, she hopes to become a doctor.

We are so proud of you, Jackie!

To make a transformational impact for Jackie and her Badjao tribe, you can support Jackie’s education. For $15,000 we can send her through Medical Technologist school and launch her dream career. Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you.

Incredible things are happening. We thank you.

Celebrating Sunshine!

Celebrating Sunshine!


Sunshine is one of the best scholars at BBPI Middle School. She has carried high honors since elementary school and into the 8th grade.

Sunshine is the second oldest in a family with four children. Her father is a fisherman and sometimes works as a habal-habal (motorcycle) driver. Sunshine’s father is also one of the pastors in the Badjao community. Her mother is a housemaid and returns home every Saturday and Sunday.

Sunshine helps her big sister in school with assignments and projects. Her big sister has difficulty reading so Sunshine teaches her how to read and also encourages her to attend the BBPI tutorial sessions. Sunshine stands as a big sister in her family. She works hard in school and looks out for her family, doing the laundry, cooking, and housekeeping.

We are so proud of you, Sunshine! Keep shining brightly for yourself, your family, and your community!

new hope for Children

Badjao Bridge recently learned of two children that were facing daily abuse. They had no means of help or escape. With the support of Louella’s Fund, Badjao Bridge was able to quickly build them their own home; a safe place to live.

Miraculously, Louella’s Fund had just received a donation of $1,500. Louella’s Fund was established to stop preventable victimization or death for Badjao children. With these funds, Badjao Bridge and the Badjao Tribe built a new hut for the children to live. Smiles are difficult, but the children love their new home and are grateful for a fresh start.


Charity Navigator generally gives the highest rankings to organizations whose ratio of program expenses is 85% or more of their total expenses. This is a hard target to reach since administration, fundraising, and operations are expensive.

Astonishingly, Badjao Bridge operates with just 5% overhead. Lead staff are funded separately, which means that 95% of every dollar directly supports people in the Badjao Tribe.

Your donation provides education, nutrition, new land trusts, classrooms, travel to Badjao sites, and health care for children and families.

Rarely can a nonprofit dedicate 95% of their funds to such tangible impact for children and families. Thank you for making this possible!


Just this year, students in poverty are graduating college, new classrooms are being built, land is being purchased, water and sanitation infrastructure are under construction, and lives are being saved. Badjao Bridge is proud of the work we do. And you make this life-changing work possible!

Thank you for making children's dreams of a healthy life for themselves and their tribe a reality.

Consider a gift to the Staff Support Fund so that 95% of funding continues to support Badjao children and families.

Giving to Louella's Fund helps Badjao children to escape a crisis, giving them a secure chance at life.

Thank you!

Exciting News!

What is the most transformative gift we can physically build for a community on the brink of survival? Yes! Educational access is the most powerful way to grow a bright future. Education equips current and future generations with the ability to grow and to thrive. Just notice for a moment how pivotal education has been for you and for those you love. 

As a result of your prayers and support, Badjao Bridge now operates 2 Lighthouse Education Centers and has built a brand new classroom to provide a safe learning space for Kindergarteners who had been attending school outside. And that's not all!

Thanks to a special anonymous donation, Badjao Bridge is now building 2 more classrooms! These classrooms will provide impactful schooling for approximately 60 First and Second Grade Badjao children who have been denied indoor learning space in their local schools.

Currently these dedicated students are in outdoor classrooms that are lined up back to back with no separation. The children have to tune out a class a few feet behind them. During thunderstorms, which happen almost every day, 1/3 of their space gets wet and the rain on the tin roof drowns out the lesson. On a hot sunny day, the space is unbearably hot. These challenges, along with tummies that never seem satisfied, make it really difficult to learn.  

We are so thankful for the opportunity to increase our indoor classrooms to 3! Kindergarten, First and Second Grade Badjao children will now have a safe, calm place to explore, grow, and to learn. These new classrooms will help build up individual lives and the future of the community.

Our new Kindergarten classroom has its own bathroom and outdoor hand washing station. The kids are loving school!

These new indoor classrooms are a game changer. Best of all, the teachers and children love their new space. Education builds opportunity, wisdom, voice, and a bright future for the whole community. Thank you for being part of this lasting change.

Learn more about how your support is helping 
Badjao communities thrive in the face of adversity. Thank you!

2022 - A Year of Strength

A new classroom, a second Lighthouse Community Center and two game changing graduations. Your support is growing futures!

Our Inspiration

Our Inspiration

Carla is the first Badjao to graduate from Nursing School. She is already making a lasting difference in her community. We are so proud of her!

"This achievement is dedicated to all those who have been part of my journey to this point in time."
- Carla

One Step Higher

Juvy was only around 9 years old when his father died from compressor diving. His mother had to make him stop his studies. He has three younger sisters and he is the only one interested in school. We included him in our scholarship program so he could continue his studies. He once dropped out. Discouraged, he just felt lazy or just thought he would just fail. But he decided to study again and is grateful that we accepted him back and he is finally graduating this year (senior high school) and will be heading towards college.

Now at 22, he also became one of our volunteers at the Lighthouse Learning Center helping in our tutorials, food packing and distribution, etc. He gets some monetary allowance which he would usually give all to his mother. He said, “Because of that, we are able to slowly repair our small house. I'm thankful. I’m also praying that I could proceed to college. I am very grateful to my sponsors who have been helping me since I became a Badjao Bridge scholar many years ago.”

A Classroom for the Badjao Learners

We have officially turned-over our one-classroom building for our Badjao learners in a public school in Bohol. A number of local government officials, school heads, and stakeholders attended the event.

“This was just a dream before. Now it has become a reality,” said Alith Luzon, the school principal and our very own volunteer Badjao Bridge program director. 

The completion of this building is in perfect timing since face-to-face classes will soon resume in the country as Covid cases continue to decline. It's also amazing that despite the strong typhoon in December that hit many parts of the country including this place, this building remained unscathed. 

Indeed, I thank God for this and the people he sent along to help us complete this project. My highest respect to our teachers and parents who do their daily duties to guide and teach our children. Their sacrifices and love for them will bear fruit in time. May this classroom be where hundreds, or hopefully thousands of children begin or continue their journey of achieving their dreams. 

Teacher Agustina C. Doloritos has been teaching Grade 1 Badjao pupils for 10 years now. She's been grateful to the Badjao Bridge for its support. "Indeed, together we can make a difference in their lives."

A Classroom, Finally!

Badjao children have been through a lot in the past 18 months, but we have some good news to share. We have two honor students - Sunshine, Grade 6, and Jackie, junior high school. Jackie has been our scholar since preschool; Sunshine, since Grade 1. Both of them are inspired by their families. They want to be able to help them out of poverty one day.

Like many others, they both struggled last year. Due to health protocols, they were not allowed to go to school but have only been receiving home assignments. It was hard to get the assistance they needed from their teachers and accessing their lessons online were costly. Despite the difficulties, these two excelled in their classes. Jackie said her determination and positivity kept her focused. Sunshine studied hard regardless of the difficulties and kept going. 

We have 156 Badjao scholars enrolled in elementary, high school, and college for the new school year.

We have also extended help to other Badjao learners even if they are not our scholars. They are struggling academically. The current distance learning make it even more difficult for them. We have welcomed them in our tutorials so they can keep up with their lessons. Like our Badjao scholars, we also give them rice everytime they show up for tutorial. We are thankful for the opportunity to help those in need.


During pre-Covid days, some of our Badjao scholars in one public school used to attend their classes in an old stock room; others did theirs outdoor or at some vacant space inside the principal’s office. The school doesn’t have enough classrooms. 

We are happy to build and donate a one-classroom building for our Badjao learners. Construction began last August and we aim to complete it sometime next month. Soon, when face-to-face classes resume, a standard classroom with its own restroom with flowing water would provide a more comfortable, conducive learning environment for the Badjao students. Thank you all for your support! Together, in the midst of pandemic, we will continue to make a difference.

Lockdown and Lighthouse

Few weeks ago, the Badjao community that we are helping in Palawan was put under a two-week lockdown after two of them tested positive of Covid-19. The town itself has been implementing strict health protocols and was also in lockdown order due to its increasing number of Covid cases. Cross border travels were restricted to avoid more community transmission of the virus. Thank God the two Covid-positive Badjaos were asymptomatic and have already fully recovered and the lockdown order in the community was lifted. We continue to pray for their safety. 


In the midst of the pandemic and the uncertainties it brings, we are happy to see some progress in the Lighthouse, a multipurpose building that we have constructed there. Its second floor is a work in progress. This building serves the Badjao community in many ways especially at this time. On some days, the local government health officials use it as a Covid vaccination center for the Badjaos.

On other days, they use it for feeding, tutorials, and other educational activities for the Badjao children. On Sundays, the community gather there to worship.


Water supply has been a problem for the community. Thank you for helping us provide two water wells for them - one inside the Lighthouse and one outside for the community.

Currently there are close to 100 families living in this area in more or less 60 houses. Because of more fishing opportunities (less government restrictions) in this island, we are expecting more Badjao families from other provinces or islands to move here. Our Lighthouse and water facilities will be serving a bigger community.

More Help Appreciated

As the pandemic lingers on, the challenges we face have just doubled but we want to be able to continue helping the Badjaos through your support. To do this we need $1,500 a month. At 50 cents a meal, a $100 donation feeds 200 children a nutritious meal. If you're in a position to help, please donate and partner with us.

In behalf of the Badjaos, we thank you for standing by us all these years.