give hope and a future

Donating here helps Badjao children and their communities. With access to education, nutrition, clean water, medical care, buildings, and land, the Badjao are breaking the cycle of poverty for themselves and for future generations.

Thank you!

More ways to support the badjao

Staff Support Fund

Our staff are self-funded and rely on private support to operate our nonprofit. Your donation keeps our programs going and allows us to use 90% of every Badjao Bridge donation to directly serve Badjao children and families. Thank you!

Fund Jackie’s School

Jackie is working hard to be the first Badjao Medical Technologist. She is training as a medical technician and is on her way! Once she meets this goal, Jackie may pursue becoming a doctor.

For $15,000 we can send Jackie through Medical Technologist school and make a transformational impact for her and her Badjao tribe. Thank you for helping to make Jackie's dream a reality.


Thank you so much!